Appendix C   Building FreeMarker

You need Apache Ant and Ivy be installed. (As of this writing it was tested with Ant 1.8.1 and Ivy 2.3.0.)

If you need to ensure compliance with certain J2SE versions, copy into, and edit it accordingly.

To build freemarker.jar, just issue ant in the project root directory, and it should download all dependencies automatically and build freemarker.jar.

If later you change the dependencies in ivy.xml, or otherwise want to re-download some of them, it will not happen automatically anymore. You have to issue ant update-deps for that.

For development under Eclipse, you will need IvyDE installed. You are advised to use the Eclipse project files included (otherwise set up IvyDE to use the "IDE" configuration and the included ivysettings.xml). Note that IvyDE will not find the dependencies until ant update-deps has run once, because it uses the mini-repository built by that Ant task. If you change the dependencies in ivy.xml, you will have to run ant update-deps again, and only after that tell IvyDE to resolve the dependencies.

FreeMarker Manual -- For FreeMarker 2.3.20
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