Learning by example
This section uses the DOM tree and the variable made in the
previous chapter.
Assume that the programmer has put the XML document into the
data-model as variable doc. This variable
corresponds to the root of the DOM
tree, the ``document''. The actual variable structure behind
doc is wily enough, and only roughly resembles the
DOM tree. So instead of getting lost in the details, let's see how to
use it by example.
Accessing elements by name
This FTL prints the title of the book:
 |  |  |
<h1>${doc.book.title}</h1> |
|  |
 |  |  |
The output will be:
As you see, both doc and
book can be used as hashes; you get their child
nodes as subvariables. Basically, you describe the path by which you
reach the target (element title) in the DOM tree.
You may notice that there was some swindle above: with
${doc.book.title}, it seems that we instruct
FreeMarker to print the title element itself, but
we should print its child text node (check the DOM tree). It still works, because
elements are not only hash variables, but string variables as well.
The scalar value of an element node is the string resulting from the
concatenation of all its text child nodes. However, trying to use an
element as scalar will cause error if the element has child
elements. For example ${doc.book} would stop with
This FTL prints the titles of the two chapters:
 |  |  |
<h2>${doc.book.chapter[1].title}</h2> |
|  |
 |  |  |
Here, as book has 2
chapter element children,
doc.book.chapter is a sequence that stores the
two element nodes. Thus, we can generalize the above FTL, so it
works with any number of chapters:
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book.chapter as ch>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
But what's if there is only one chapter? Actually, when you
access an element as hash subvariable, it is
always a sequence as well (not only hash and
string), but if the sequence contains exactly 1 item, then the
variable also acts as that item itself. So, returning to the first
example, this would print the book title as well:
 |  |  |
<h1>${doc.book[0].title[0]}</h1> |
|  |
 |  |  |
But you know that there is exactly 1 book
element, and that a book has exactly 1 title, so you can omit the
${doc.book.chapter.title} would work too, if the
book happen to have only 1 chapter-s (otherwise
it is ambiguous: how is it to know if the title
of which chapter you want? So it stops with an
error.). But since a book can have multiple chapters, you don't use
this form. If the element book has no
chapter child, then
doc.book.chapter will be a 0 length sequence, so
the FTL with <#list ...> will still
It is important to realize the consequence that, for example,
if book has no chapter-s then
book.chapter is an empty sequence, so
doc.book.chapter?? will not
be false, it will be always
true! Similarly,
doc.book.somethingTotallyNonsense?? will not be
false either. To check if there was no children
found, use doc.book.chapter[0]?? (or
doc.book.chapter?size == 0). Of course you can
use similarly all the missing value handler
operators (e.g.
doc.book.author[0]!"Anonymous"), just don't
forget that [0].
The rule with sequences of size 1 is a convenience feature
of the XML wrapper (implemented via multi-type FTL variables). It
will not work with other sequences in general.
Now we finish the example by printing all the
para-s of each chapter:
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book.chapter as ch>
<#list ch.para as p>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
this will print:
 |  |  |
<p>p2.2 |
|  |
 |  |  |
The above FTL could be written more nicely as:
 |  |  |
<#assign book = doc.book>
<#list book.chapter as ch>
<#list ch.para as p>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
Finally, a ``generalized`` usage of the child selector
mechanism: this template lists all para-s of the
example XML document:
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book.chapter.para as p>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
The output will be:
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
This example shows that hash subvariables select the children
of a sequence of notes (just in the earlier examples that sequence
happened to be of size 1). In this concrete case, subvariable
chapter returns a sequence of size 2 (since there
are two chapter-s), and then subvariable
para selects the para child
nodes of all nodes in that sequence.
A negative consequence of this mechanism is that things like
will just evaluate to an empty sequence, and you don't get any error
Accessing attributes
This XML is the same as the original, except that it uses
attributes for the titles, instead of elements:
 |  |  |
<!-- THIS XML IS USED FOR THE "Accessing attributes" CHAPTER ONLY! -->
<!-- Outside this chapter examples use the XML from earlier. -->
<book title="Test">
<chapter title="Ch1">
<chapter title="Ch2">
</book> |
|  |
 |  |  |
The attributes of an element can be accessed in the same way
as the child elements of the element, except that you put an at-sign
(@) before the name of the attribute:
 |  |  |
<#assign book = doc.book>
<#list book.chapter as ch>
<#list ch.para as p>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
This will print exactly the same as the previous
Getting attributes follows the same logic as getting child
elements, so the result of ch.@title above is a
sequence of size 1. If there were no title
attribute, then the result would be a sequence of size 0. So be
ware, using existence built-ins is tricky here too: if you are
curious if foo has attribute
bar then you have to write
foo.@bar[0]??. (foo.@bar?? is
wrong, because it always returns true.)
Similarly, if you want a default value for the
bar attribute, then you have to write
As with child elements, you can select the attributes of
multiple nodes. For example, this template prints the titles of all
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book.chapter.@title as t>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
Exploring the tree
This FTL will enumerate all child nodes of the book
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book?children as c>
- ${c?node_type} <#if c?node_type = 'element'>${c?node_name}</#if>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
this will print:
 |  |  |
- text
- element title
- text
- element chapter
- text
- element chapter
- text |
|  |
 |  |  |
The meaning of ?node_type is probably clear
without explanation. There are several node types that can occur in
a DOM tree, such as "element",
"text", "comment",
"pi", ...etc.
The ?node_name returns the name of element
for element nodes. For other node types, it also returns something,
but that's mainly useful for declarative XML processing, which will
be discussed in a later
If the book element had attributes, they would
not appear in the above list, for practical
reasons. But you can get a list that contains all attributes of the
element, with subvariable @@ of the element
variable. If you modify the first line of the XML to this:
 |  |  |
<book foo="Foo" bar="Bar" baaz="Baaz"> |
|  |
 |  |  |
and run this FTL:
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book.@@ as attr>
- ${attr?node_name} = ${attr}
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
then you get this output (or something similar):
 |  |  |
- baaz = Baaz
- bar = Bar
- foo = Foo |
|  |
 |  |  |
Returning to the listing of children, there is a convenience
subvariable to list only the element children of an element:
 |  |  |
<#list doc.book.* as c>
- ${c?node_name}
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
This will print:
 |  |  |
- title
- chapter
- chapter |
|  |
 |  |  |
You get the parent of an element with the
parent built-in:
 |  |  |
<#assign e = doc.book.chapter[0].para[0]>
<#-- Now e is the first para of the first chapter -->
${e?parent?parent?parent?node_name} |
|  |
 |  |  |
This will print:
 |  |  |
@document |
|  |
 |  |  |
In the last line you have reached the root of the DOM tree,
the document node. It's not an element, and this is why it has that
strange name; don't deal with it now. Obviously, the document node
has no parent.
You can quickly go back to the document node using the
root built-in:
 |  |  |
<#assign e = doc.book.chapter[0].para[0]>
${e?root.book.title} |
|  |
 |  |  |
This will print:
For the complete list of built-ins you can use to navigate in
the DOM tree, read the reference
of node built-ins.
Using XPath expressions
XPath expressions work only if Jaxen (recommended, but use
at least Jaxen 1.1-beta-8, not older) or Apache Xalan
classes are available. (Apache Xalan classes are included in Sun
J2SE 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 (and maybe later too); no separate Xalan jar
is needed.)
Don't use the sample XML from the previous section, where
title is an attribute; that applies only to
that section.
If a hash key used with a node variable can't be interpreted
otherwise (see the next
section for the precise definition), then it will by
interpreted as an XPath expression. For more information on XPath,
please visit http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath.
For example, here we list the para elements
of the chapter with title element (not
attribute!) content "Ch1'':
 |  |  |
<#list doc["book/chapter[title='Ch1']/para"] as p>
</#list> |
|  |
 |  |  |
It will print:
The rule with sequences of length 1 (explained in earlier
sections) stands for XPath results as well. That is, if the
resulting sequence contains exactly 1 node, it also acts as the node
itself. For example, print the first paragraph of chapter
 |  |  |
${doc["book/chapter[title='Ch1']/para[1]"]} |
|  |
 |  |  |
which prints the same as:
 |  |  |
${doc["book/chapter[title='Ch1']/para[1]"][0]} |
|  |
 |  |  |
The context node of the XPath expression is the node (or
sequence of nodes) whose hash subvariable is used to issue the XPath
expression. Thus, this prints the same as the previous
 |  |  |
${doc.book["chapter[title='Ch1']/para[1]"]} |
|  |
 |  |  |
Note that currently you can use a sequence of 0 or multiple
(more than 1) nodes as context only if the programmer has set up
FreeMarker to use Jaxen instead of Xalan.
Also note that XPath indexes sequence items from 1, while FTL
indexes sequence items from 0. Thus, to select the first chapter,
the XPath expression is "/book/chapter[1]", while
the FTL expression is book.chapter[0].
If the programmer has set up FreeMarker to use Jaxen instead
of Xalan, then FreeMarker variables are visible with XPath variable
 |  |  |
<#assign currentTitle = "Ch1">
<#list doc["book/chapter[title=$currentTitle]/para"] as p>
... |
|  |
 |  |  |
Note that $currentTitle is not a FreeMarker
interpolation, as there are no { and
} there. That's an XPath expression.
The result of some XPath expressions is not a node-set, but a
string, a number, or a boolean. For those XPath expressions, the
result is an FTL string, number, or boolean variable respectively.
For example, the following will count the total number of
para elements in the XML document, so the result
is a number:
The output will be:
XML namespaces
Be default, when you write something like
doc.book, then it will select the element with
name book that does not belongs to any XML
namespace (similarly to XPath). If you want to select an element
that is inside an XML namespace, you must register a prefix and use
that. For example, if element book is in XML
namespace http://example.com/ebook, then you have
to associate a prefix with it at the top of the template with the
ns_prefixes parameter of the ftl
 |  |  |
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"e":"http://example.com/ebook"}> |
|  |
 |  |  |
And now you can write expressions as
doc["e:book"]. (The usage of square bracket
syntax was required because the colon would confuse FreeMarker
As the value of ns_prefixes is a hash, you
can register multiple prefixes:
 |  |  |
<#ftl ns_prefixes={
> |
|  |
 |  |  |
The ns_prefixes parameter affects the whole
FTL namespace. This means
in practice that the prefixes you have registered in the main page
template will be visible in all <#include
...>-d templates, but not in <#imported
...>-d templates (often referred as FTL libraries). Or
from another point of view, an FTL library can register XML
namespace prefixes for it's own use, without interfering with the
prefix registrations of the main template and other
Note that, if an input document is dominated by a given XML
namespace, you can set that as the default namespace for
convenience. This means that if you don't use prefix, as in
doc.book, then it selects element that belongs to
the default namespace. The setting of the default namespace happens
with reserved prefix D, for example:
 |  |  |
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":"http://example.com/ebook"}> |
|  |
 |  |  |
Now expression doc.book select the
book element that belongs to XML namespace
http://example.com/ebook. Unfortunately, XPath
does not support this idea of a default namespace. Thus, in XPath
expressions, element names without prefixes always select the
elements that does not belong to any XML namespace. However, to
access elements in the default namespace you can directly use prefix
D, for example:
Note that when you use a default namespace, then you can
select elements that does not belong to any node namespace with
reserved prefix N, for example
doc.book["N:foo"]. It doesn't go for XPath
expressions, where the above can be witten as
Don't forget escaping!
We have made a big mistake in all examples. We generate output
of HTML format, and HTML format reserves characters as
<, &, etc. So when we
print plain text (as the titles and paragraphs), we have to escape
it. Thus, the correct version of the example is:
 |  |  |
<#escape x as x?html>
<#assign book = doc.book>
<#list book.chapter as ch>
<#list ch.para as p>
</#escape> |
|  |
 |  |  |
So if the book title is "Romeo & Julia", the resulting
HTML output will be correctly:
 |  |  |
<h1>Romeo & Julia</h1>
... |
|  |
 |  |  |