(also see
Getting Stared in the Manual.)See: Description
Interface | Description |
AdapterTemplateModel |
TemplateModel that can be unwrapped and then it considers a provided desired (hint) class. |
ObjectWrapper |
Maps Java objects to the type-system of FreeMarker Template Language (see the
interfaces). |
TemplateBooleanModel |
"boolean" template language data type; same as in Java; either
true or false . |
TemplateCollectionModel |
"collection" template language data type: a collection of values that can be enumerated, repeatedly (not just once).
TemplateDateModel |
"date" template language data type: similar to
Date ; a time-zone-independent date-only, time-only
or date-time value. |
TemplateDirectiveBody |
Represents the nested content of a directive (
TemplateDirectiveModel ) invocation. |
TemplateDirectiveModel |
"directive" template language data type: used as user-defined directives
(much like macros) in templates.
TemplateExceptionHandler |
Used for the
template_exception_handler configuration setting;
see Configurable.setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler) for more. |
TemplateHashModel |
"hash" template language data type: an object that contains other objects accessible through string keys
(sub-variable names).
TemplateHashModelEx |
"extended hash" template language data type; extends
TemplateHashModel by allowing
iterating through its keys and values. |
TemplateMethodModel | Deprecated
TemplateMethodModelEx instead. |
TemplateMethodModelEx |
"extended method" template language data type: Objects that act like functions.
TemplateModel |
The common super-interface of the interfaces that stand for the FreeMarker Template Language data types.
TemplateModelAdapter |
Implemented by classes that serve as adapters for template model objects in
some other object model.
TemplateModelIterator |
Used to iterate over a set of template models once; usually returned from
TemplateCollectionModel.iterator() . |
TemplateNodeModel |
"node" template language data type: an object that is a node in a tree.
TemplateNumberModel |
"number" template language data type; an object that stores a number.
TemplateScalarModel |
"string" template language data-type; like in Java, an unmodifiable UNICODE character sequence.
TemplateSequenceModel |
"sequence" template language data type; an object that contains other objects accessible through
an integer 0-based index.
TemplateTransformModel |
"transform" template language data type: user-defined directives
(much like macros) specialized on filtering output; you should rather use the newer
instead. |
TransformControl |
An interface that can be implemented by writers returned from
TemplateTransformModel.getWriter(, java.util.Map) . |
Class | Description |
Configuration |
The main entry point into the FreeMarker API; encapsulates the configuration settings of FreeMarker,
also serves as a central template-loading and caching service.
DefaultObjectWrapper |
The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper
LocalizedString |
An abstract base class for scalars that vary by locale.
ResourceBundleLocalizedString |
A concrete implementation of
LocalizedString that gets
a localized string from a ResourceBundle |
SimpleCollection |
A simple implementation of
TemplateCollectionModel . |
SimpleDate |
A simple implementation of the TemplateDateModel
SimpleHash |
A simple implementation of the TemplateHashModelEx
interface, using an underlying
Map or SortedMap . |
SimpleList | Deprecated
Use SimpleSequence instead.
SimpleNumber |
A simple implementation of the TemplateNumberModel
SimpleObjectWrapper |
The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper interface.
SimpleScalar |
A simple implementation of the TemplateScalarModel
interface, using a String.
SimpleSequence |
A convenient implementation of a list.
Template |
Stores an already parsed template, ready to be processed (rendered) for unlimited times, possibly from
multiple threads.
TemplateModelListSequence |
A sequence that wraps a
List of TemplateModel -s. |
Version |
Represents a version number plus the further qualifiers and build into.
WrappingTemplateModel |
Convenience base-class for containers that wrap arbitrary Java objects into
TemplateModel instances. |
Exception | Description |
Template.WrongEncodingException | |
TemplateException |
Runtime exception in a template (as opposed to a parsing-time exception:
ParseException ). |
TemplateModelException |
TemplateModel methods throw this exception if the requested data can't be retrieved. |
The fundamental, most commonly used API-s of FreeMarker;
start with Configuration
(also see
Getting Stared in the Manual.)